Support activities for Okinawa Prefecture

On September 6, Supervisor Mr Uchiyama of the Asian Economic Strategy Division (from Okinawa Prefecture’s Department of Commerce, Industry and Labour) visited the CLAIR Sydney office.

Okinawa Prefecture is currently working on a strategy to increase their overseas tourism market, and aim to conduct PR activities here in Australia. Okinawa will target young Australians through a club-style event to be held in Sydney in December, called ‘Okinawa Night’. They are hoping to attract 100 attendees to the event, where they will showcase highlights such as Okinawan music, Orion beer and Awamori sake. In fact, Awamori sake, a drink unique to Okinawa, has proven to be a popular beverage at existing Japanese restaurants in Australia.

Okinawa Prefecture aims to utilise such connections and events to increase awareness of Okinawa as a great new place to visit, especially for those already well acquainted with Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. CLAIR Sydney will continue to support such events in future.

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