2015 National Sister Cities Australia (SCA) Conference

SCNZshibaWe attended this year’s SCA Conference, which was held in Blacktown on Nov 9–10.

During the conference we gave two presentations about how Japanese local governments are working to attract overseas markets, trends of sister-city activities between Australia and Japan, and the JET program. We also never missed the chance to promote the Rugby World Cup in 2019, which Japan will host for the first time!

On 9 November, a workshop focusing on trade with Asian countries especially Japan, China and Korea was held at the conference. Many people attended the workshop not only from local governments (including Blacktown’s sister cities), but also from Austrade, the local business chamber and companies in and around Blacktown.

It was a good opportunity to think deeply about economic-exchange programs.

CLAIR looks forward to providing continued support for sister-city activities – if you want to learn more about Japanese local governments, or you have information you would like to share, please feel free to contact us.

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