Visit to the City of Greater Geelong

On 1 December, our Deputy Director and a staff member visited the City of Greater Geelong to talk about the upcoming students exchange tour between 26 and 29 March 2018.

Both the City of Greater Geelong and Nagoya City are home to wetlands of international importance under the auspices of the 1971 Ramser Convention on Wetlands. Nagoya City has sent a delegation to Geelong every two years, with 2018 being the sixth delegation to visit.

We met Ms Diane Luscombe from the City of Greater Geelong who has been engaged in this programme since the first visit and is currently helping Nagoya City coordinate the upcoming tour. Through the visit, junior high school students from Nagoya City will learn more about measures to protect and maintain a sustainable wetland environments for migratory birds and other creatures in Geelong.


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