Nagoya City

The foundation of the town of Nagoya was laid in 1610 with the construction of Nagoya Castle and subsequent relocation from nearby Kiyosu, known as Kiyosu-goshi.

Since then, the monozukuri (manufacturing) culture has boomed, and commerce and industry in Nagoya have thrived. With the ever-present fragrance of modern samurai culture, Nagoya has developed and grown as a city with balanced industry and culture.


Nagoya, which in 2010 celebrated the 400th anniversary of its founding, is aspiring toward even greater prosperity.

Completed in 1612, Nagoya Castle was constructed to be the residence for the Owari Tokugawa clan, by order of Tokugawa Ieyasu. It was the first castle to be designated a national treasure, but it was lost to fire in 1945 during the Second World War. The donjon was rebuilt in 1959 with the inside of the castle containing exhibition rooms housing both traditional museum exhibits and fun-oriented displays, in addition to an observation deck. The restoration of Hommaru Palace is currently underway, with a completion goal set for 2018.


NC400 is a symbol of the restoration of the Hommaru Palace at Nagoya Castle. The “NC” stands for “Nagoya Castle”, “Nagoya City” and “Nagoya Culture” the “400” refers to Nagoya’s 400 proud years of tradition.


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