Okinawa Prefecture

G’day! My name is Akimitsu Miyazato, and I was born and raised in Okinawa, the southernmost islands which are also known as Ryukyu Islands. The stereotype of Japan in Australia may be temples, sushi, Tokyo etc, but the image of Okinawa in Japan is great beaches, lots of islands to visit, RyukyuKingdom culture, longevity cuisine, a relaxing atmosphere, and friendly people.

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Modern to traditional, city to country… there are a host of places to see and things to do in the beautiful island chain. It consists of 160 islands and 49 of them are inhabited. Since it is located in the sub-tropical region with an annual average temperature of 22.7 degrees, there are beautiful rainforests, white sandy beaches, and the warm current from the south makes our sea environment a great habitat for tropical fish and coral reefs. Almost six million visitors come to Okinawa every year. They all enjoy beaches, world-class diving, unique culture and exquisite cuisine.

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I believe Australians like to experience different cultures, enjoy outdoor activities, and relax on the beach, especially in a new place to visit. Okinawan people are friendly, easy going, laid back, and they welcome travellers. I hope more Australians travel to Okinawa and discover this new and unique aspect of Japan.

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